At last…
Back home, or rather where my home used to be, where I used to feel like… well, like home for so long. Where I spent quite a bit of my life and left quite a piece of my heart.
That’s where I lost myself.
Where I walked through the crowded, yet empty streets for so long in a search for unknown, indefinable.
That’s where I found myself.
My heart beats faster, eyes get wider and brighter. Can’t wait any longer.
I take a deep breath and my lungs are full of it, I look around and I am part of it again.
I can touch it, smell it, feel it within me.
Smile on my face
I want to go to all the places that used to mean so much to me, I want to see them all now, in this instant.
I need to see all the people, who made me what I am, I need to see them now, in this instant.
So little time
So much to do
As always
Everlasting obstacle not to be overcome
Before I entirely fall into this frenzy – overwhelmed and helpless, before it hits me like a thunder and takes me over completely, before I surrender… Let me embrace the moment
Sweet ignorance of the future
Emotion long forgotten and much desired
Tomorrow never comes… untill it’s time
And then I will surrender again
So little time
So much to do
As always
Everlasting obstacle not to be overcome
to teraz
Natalia Julia Nowak niech to tłumaczy

Docent Stopczyk -- 19.02.2009 - 17:09No podoba mi się,
acz z moim angielskim, to choć tekst językowo prosty, to i tak wszystkiego nie rozumiem, no:)
grześ -- 19.02.2009 - 22:00